Meritorious Academy with excellent infrastructure, sprawling playgrounds, dedicated staff members provides a positive and challenging environment for children to develop their natural talents. Children are encouraged to be creative, independent, inquisitive, and explorative. The school works towards total personality development of its students by combining the finer elements of Indian culture and the inherent natural talents of the students. Students are groomed to become exemplary citizens of tomorrow’s Superpower – India.

The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and believes in having innovative teaching methodology a confluence of elements like interactive classrooms learning. Computer aided techniques, learning with nature, audio visual presentation, practical experiments, creative writing, extensive reading, nurturing of artistic creativity and physical development through Yoga and sports. It provides for not mere schooling but real education.

Principal's Message

Message from the Principal’s Desk

Mr. Ajay Tripathi

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the new academic year. A year has rolled by and you have made the school proud and I hope you will continue to be the ambassadors of school. We members of Meritorious Academy are ambitiously determined for the all round development of students. The motivation to succeed comes from the burnings desire to achieve a purpose. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” Success and prosperity are the result of our thoughts and decisions. Success is not an accident. It takes sacrifice and self-discipline. There is no substitute for hard work. “The harder you work, the luckier you get.” But Excellence is not luck, it is the result of a lot of hard work and practice. So also, commitment and co-operation among the students, teachers, and parents not only guarantees success for the School, but also for each individual personally.

You must try to develop your potential and talents through the various facilities and activities provided by the school. This broad based education should prepare you for your career and life ahead. It is well known

विद्या धनम् सर्व धनं प्रधानम्

With these words, may I take this opportunity to wish that you all have a most productive and enjoyable academic year.

Manager's Message

Message from the Manager’s Desk

Mr. Ajeet Tripathi

In my opinion, there is a dire need to prepare students to communicate across cultures, across borders, across perspectives. As the world evolves towards greater interconnectedness, it is our students to whom we entrust the responsibility of building a better global society. Hence, they need to be given the chance to create with technology not just learn to use it. They should be allowed to lead the learning as self- learning guarantees life-long learning. We, the educators must not forget that we need to facilitate learning by creating an inquiry – based, healthy and active environment.

To The Parent

Dear Parent,
We have started the new academic year with great zeal and enthusiasm. Our resolution to provide quality education has once again been reaffirmed. While endeavoring to strengthen the academic achievement of every child we shall certainly focus on the all-round development through various curricular activities. Your co-operation and partnership in this mission is most earnestly solicited. Rules are most effective when teachers, parents and students are equally committed to this cause and mission.

Vision & Mission

Vision : Money is not an aim at all. We want to build thoughts among the Children and we believe that growing kids are the future of India. meritorious Academy promises that it will provide abundant space in to encourage complete development of kids.

Mission : Our future agenda is to spread out this school from class VIIIth to intermediate. Here the franchisees are well thoughtfull people who have very immense plans with the school and believe in the teamwork.